Monday, January 20, 2014

Making Lunches

Every Sunday I prep my husband and mine's lunches for the week as much as I can. I do all of our veggie/fruit packs, I make a thing of rice in our rice cooker, and he does the chicken for his salads. We pretty much eat lunches from home everyday at work. I used to try to do lunches every day, but that just ate up so much time in the evenings and now I just spend a few hours on Sunday and the majority is done. The only thing I can't do is throw the salad mix into multiple containers. We each have 1 salad container, so that's a daily thing. The veggie packs that I have been making this time of year are: celery (with peanut butter), bell peppers, carrots, and apples. 

First I wash all of my product! I will cut up my celery, peppers, and my baby carrots. Sometimes those carrots are way too thick, and we are more prone to eat them if they are thinly cut. So I throw all of my cut up produce in large containers for easy organizing/assembling.

Here is my assembly line of containers to make my lunch pack!

This is what it looks like when I am done. We don't have enough containers that hold an apple, so those just taken to work separately.

And then I make our salads:

So there is most of what our lunches look like. Jesse does his chicken on his own time. I don't really enjoy messing around with all that chicken, he gladly does it in exchange for all the other prep I do. :) #teamwork 

Jesse gets the chicken salads by his choice. I don't want that personally, so I do a salad with just dressing and no meat. He also takes a yogurt. I then add a side of rice, or rice and beans. I need that carb/warm food feeling in my tummy to make me feel full. Then for a kind of dessert I like to throw in a little container of unsweetened applesauce and dash it with cinnamon. So tasty! :)

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